Monday, 17 November 2014

why people leave the job ? - just because of their boss....

I think any talented person leaves the Job because of these 10 policies which most of the Companies (new, regular or old) follows today. Do you agree with me?

I think any talented person leaves the Job because of these 10 policies which most of the Companies (new, regular or old) follows today:- 

Change these policy and you will see the difference.

"The more policies, the less passion you'll get from your employee. The less passion, the less exciting the employee's performance will be. The less exciting the performance, the lower your profits will be."

Find your voice and speak! You were hired for your brains, weren't you?
Here's my list of Ten Stupid Rules that Drive Great Employees Away. I am also one who is been a wrath of these system.

1). Stupid Attendance Policies
Salaried people don't need attendance policies. That's why they're on salary.

2). Stupid Frequent-Flyer Policies
Business travel is a grind. It takes years off your life. It's not easy being on the road and leaving your life behind.

3). Stupid Dress Code Rules
We’re managers, and sticky human topics are part of the job. Get rid of the insultingly detailed dress code policy and simply remind your employees to dress for business.

4). Bell Curve Performance Reviews
Performance reviews in general are a bureaucratic waste of time, If you truly don't trust your managers to hire wonderful employees, why did you make them managers? Get rid of them and celebrate your team's brilliance!

5). Stupid Bereavement-Leave Policies
It's never smart to write policies directed toward people you wish you hadn't hired. Trust your employees, and they'll trust you back.

6). Stupid Approvals for Everything
More bureaucracy only slows us down. Can we trust the people we chose to join our team to do simple things like order a new stapler without requiring a manager's written permission? If not, can we call ourselves leaders?

7). Stupid Disciplinary Rules
We don't think that it would ever be appropriate to put our kids' piano teacher or our plumber on probation, so why would we do that to the employees on our teams? The idea of progressive discipline makes no sense in the Knowledge Economy we operate in now. We are all adults. If someone goofs up, we can have a conversation about it. We can figure out where things broke down. If we don't trust a person to represent our brand, what good will probation or a written warning do?

8). Stupid Feedback Mechanisms
Do you ask your wife to fill out a survey and tell you how you're doing as a husband? She'd have a sharp answer for you if you proposed that approach.

9). Stupid Hiring Processes
It's easy to fill job openings when you do these three things:
a). Write job descriptions in English or your local language rather than corporate zombie speak.
b). Treat job applicants like valued collaborators rather than interchangeable machine parts or pieces of meat.
c). Make the interview process fast and friendly, and remember that job candidates need to be sold as vigorously as your customers do.
 Any employer that complains about talent shortages is barking up the wrong tree. Humanize your recruiting process and watch the talented people flow in!

10). Stupid Forced Ranking
Forced ranking, is a process of lining up your employees and comparing them to one another, Best to Worst. You can't stay and work for a company that treats like you like a two-by-four stacked up against other pieces of lumber, not when there are wonderful organizations that could use your help!
Your teammates deserve better. People are unique and whole in themselves. There is nothing to compare between one person and another -- thank goodness! Smart employers have always known this. Any organization that doesn't get it doesn't deserve your talents. Get on your path and find the people who do!
I personally think these are the real thing which any Employer has to look in if he really wants to keep his talented guy from leaving the Organization.