Saturday, 1 June 2013

Protect The Pantry From Pest Infestation

Though the weather is slow to change for spring, insects are aware of the time of year and will resume activity. The primary reason insects would want to infiltrate a hotel is in search of food, and if hotel staff makes their property, and especially their property’s pantry, inhospitable, pests will find no reason to be there.

“Good sanitation and a program of food rotation are the main ways to control pantry pests,” said Rachit Joshi, director, Magiclean Hospitality Solutions, at Ahmedabad . Reducing sources of water particularly go a long way in keeping cockroaches away from the pantry area, while installing door sweeps and good caulking on cracks in walls will keep out interested pests.
“It’s easy to know when you have a mouse problem, because their chewing into food packaging and fecal droppings are noticeable,” .  “Ants are a little harder because they will come inside from outdoors and often travel through the cracks, so finding and securing the cracks, crevices and holes in pantry walls can keep hiding ants in check.”
It is recommended to check specific food items at the time of receiving at walk-in for beetles. “Often you can see beetles climbing right on bags of flour, which is a red flag,”“You don’t need to look at everything, but items like flour are easily infested.”
The top reason a rodent finds its way into your pantry is a breakdown in company policy. “If your door frames fit tightly and you have no holes in your walls, maybe your employees let the pest in accidentally,”  “If employees are propping open back doors during slow periods or to take breaks, the mixture of light from the building exterior and the open door invites rodents right in.”