Monday 12 July 2010


Ethyl alcohol is produced by yeast fermentation of carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions. Different carbohydrates are used to manufacture alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic beverages do not supply necessary nutrients but contribute significant amount of energy (Table. 5). alcohol contributes 7kCal/g or 5.6kCal/ml and in people who consume alcoholic beverages, up to 10% of total energy needs may be derived from alcohol. Some chronic alcoholics may consume insufficient food and suffer from malnutrition while the reverse may be observed in the case of social drinkers who consume large amount of high-calorie foods such as starters, nuts, and wafers along with their drinks. These high-calorie snacks are rich in carbohydrates, fats, and sodium. Alcohol is absorbed rapidly, directly into the blood stream. Drinking on an empty stomach increases the alcohol level in blood twice as fast as on a full stomach. It is a good rule to have some light snacks along with alcoholic beverages.

                     C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
                      An aerobically (ethyl alcohol)

Percentage of alcohol is proof divided by 2
86 proof whiskey = 43% alcohol
Calorie content of one peg or 30ml of whiskey = 43 x 30 x 5.6
100 = 78 kCal

If alcohol is taken along with antidepressants or tranquilizres, it prolongs the sedative effect of these medicines.
Excessive consumption of alcohol accompanied by decreased intake of other nutrients can lead to malnutrition and serious liver disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver.

Table 5 - Calories supplied by alcohol