Wednesday 16 June 2010

Front Office Yield Management - III

1. Potential High Demand Techniques:
·         Try to define the Right Mix of Market Segments in order to sell out the Highest Possible Room Rates
·         Monitor New Business Bookings and use these changed Conditions to reassign Room Inventory (As Occupancy increases, consider closing out Low Room Rates and open them Only when Demand decreases)
·         Consider establishing a Minimum Number of Nights per Stay
·         Select the Group that offers the Highest Total Revenue
·         Try to displace Price-sensitive Groups to Low Demand Days

2. Potential Low Demand Techniques:
·         Carefully design a flexible Rating System that permits Sales Agents to offer lower Rates under Certain Situations
·         Strive to accurately project expected Market Mix
·         Management shall closely monitor Group Bookings and Trends in Transient Business Þ Do Not close off lower  Rate and Market Segments arbitrarily
·         As Low Occupancy Periods become inevitable, open Lower Rate Categories, solicit Price Sensitive Groups, promote Corporate, Government, and other Special Discounts, and Develop New Rate Packages
·         Consider maintaining High Room Rates for Walk-in Guests
·         A Non-Financial Technique involves upgrading Guests to nicer Accommodations than they are entitled to by virtue of their Room Rate

Þ In order to implement these Tactics, Management needs to establish the Hurdle Rate (The Lowest Rate for a Given Day) below which it is impossible to sell any Room