Friday 9 April 2010

How To Polish A Laminate Floor

Polishing a laminate floor can make the flooring look sparkling, clean and new. But generally, polishing should only be done occasionally and remember that polishing is not recommended unless the polishing products or solution are authorized or approved by the laminate flooring manufacturer. To make sure the right polishing product is used, check and read the label. It is also advice that polishing products for laminate floor must be directly purchase with the laminate flooring manufacturer.

Basically, laminate flooring is easy to clean and polish because the surface materials of laminate flooring do not trap dirt hence, a simple stroke of mop will do the trick. But polishing the floor can always give extra smooth and sparkling appeal that makes it more pleasing to the eyes. In polishing the laminate floor, as we have aforesaid requires a special polishing cleaner approved by manufacturer. The reason being any unauthorized polishing cleaner may affect the surface of laminate floor. It may cause dullness or even changed the laminate floor appearance. Therefore, make sure that it is the appropriate one before applying a polishing cleaner.

Polishing the laminate floor must be with polishing cleaner with ammonia- based solution and this must be wiped on the floor quickly. Ammonia-based products are proven to be safe on laminate floor. In polishing the floor, the owner must begin with vacuum cleaner to keep all the dust as well as dirt from the laminate flooring. In the absence of vacuum cleaner, the owner can also use a swiping broom to clean the laminate flooring. After the dust and dirt has been cleaned the owner can now put a small amount of polishing cleaner on each plank with gentle yet quick stroke.

Home made cleaner can also be used in polishing laminate flooring. Equal amount of vinegar, alcohol and water can be combined together to create a simple yet effective polishing cleaner. The same must also be applied quickly and of small amount only after vacuum cleaning.

To make polishing easier on laminate floor, the owner must prevent the accumulation of big sand or stone on the flooring because this may tend to scratch off the laminate flooring. If this happen, dullness is likely to happen on the laminate flooring. It is also recommended to clean immediately any spills on laminate flooring like blood, fruit juice, wine, soda to avoid stains on laminate flooring. Cleaning the messed area immediately will make the polishing of laminate floor easier and more convenient.

Nowadays, many have practice polishing laminate flooring to maintain its beauty and appearance as well as to ensure proper laminate flooring care in the observance of warranty period. Polishing can be a good way to keep the laminate flooring at its best as well as to keep it lasts for many years